Windows Tiny11

Windows Tiny11

Download Tiny11 ISO for PC [Lightweight Windows 11]

Windows 11, even though very popular, may not be supported by your old or low-end PC and Laptops owing to its hardware limitations – TPM 2.0 and high RAM requirements.

But if you want to run Windows 11 on your old PC, you can download Tiny11 ISO. Some people also call it Windows 11 Lite.

A developer named NTDEV came up with a basic, simplified version of Windows 11 called Tiny11. It is super lightweight, getting rid of all that extra stuff we usually don’t need. The best part is that it can run on just 2 GB RAM and 8 GB storage.

Windows Version Tiny11 Latest
Size 3.5 GB
Version 2311
Download Button Download Tiny 11 ISO 2311